
Integrative Pathology Services

Healthwise Natural Therapies offers a wide range of pathology testing, all aimed at improving our [...]

Relaxation Massage

The healing power of touch has a profound therapeutic effect on your emotional and physical [...]

Cellulite Treatment

What is Cellulite? Cellulite simply refers to the dimpled appearance of the skin, which often [...]

Are you in pain?

Are you in pain? Kathleen understands and addresses your pain on both a naturopathic and [...]


Iridology is an analysing tool that examines your overall health, assisting to establish what is [...]

Is Natural Medicine and Alternative Medicine the same?

Is Natural Medicine and Alternative Medicine the same?   The answer is Yes, Natural Medicine [...]

Australian Business Quality Awards

Healthwise Naturopathic Clinic recognised for service excellence in the 2014 Australian Business Quality Awards Strong focus [...]

What is the best way to lose weight?

What is the best way to lose weight? The best way to lose weight is [...]

Flower Remedies

Living Essence Consultation Do you feel stuck? Don’t know which direction to take? Is there [...]

Pranic Healing

Scientists validate the existence of an energy field that surrounds the human body and nourishes [...]